Longmont Library WishList
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"A library outranks any other one thing a community can do to benefit its people. It is a never failing spring in the desert." - Andrew Carnegie
(Wish 5370)
General Gift
The library provides educational, cultural and technology-based services to thousands of community members. Many of the unique services offered are done so through donations and grants. Budget funding keeps the library strong, but supplemental funding is what allows the library to grow and be special.

The library accepts general doantions towards collection development, program offerings, and technology equipment. A gift of any size makes a big difference. Your consideration and support is always appreciated. Library donations are fully tax-deductible.

19 people have donated $2,810.00 

Donate $5, $10, $25 or more using
your credit card, debit card or PayPal.
(Wish 11763)
2nd Saturdays: a Teen After Dark Program
On the 2nd Saturday of each month, after the library closes, we reopen for teens only. The program has grown from 10 to 100 loud, active and happy teens.

The library is a place for all kinds of fun: Crafts, Movies, Fandoms Unite!, Anime Club, Writers Group, Author Meetups and (of course) Pizza!

The Friends of the Library generously contribute to this program but we are so successful we could use a boost from you. Please consider donating...
Estimated cost of item: $250.00
Thank You for Your Support!
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